Today is the release of the new Death Korps of Krieg box set – but unfortunately all of our stock has already sold out, so this section is going to look rather bare for now 🙁 All we have left are the new Warhammer 40,000 Battlefield Trophies!
This week we’ve added a range of new paint sets that are perfect for roleplayers and mini painters alike, along with an adorable dice pouch and some new dice to put in it.
We’ve also fleshed out our selection of Warhammer 40,000 Codex… codexes… codicies… codexi… Army books and we plan to keep the full range in stock from now on.
D&D Undead Paint Set
Pathfinder Goblin Plush Dice Bag
16mm Acrylic Polyhedral Dice Set: Stardust Galaxy
Codex Supplement: Dark Angels
Plastic Aspect Warriors are finally here, along with the new Codex: Aeldari. We’ve got a selection up for preorder now, but if you’re after any of the other Aspect Warriors or Eldar – sorry, Aeldari – release let us know and I’ll get them ordered in for you!
These are all due for release on 8th February.