There might not be any exciting new releases this week, but we’ve added some more stuff to the shelves anyway – including a wider range of Citadel Paints, some carry cases for your models, and the Gloomspite Gits Spearhead for Age of Sigmar.
Spearhead: Gloomspite Gits
Stormvault Skirmish Case
Contrast Baal Red
Contrast Gutrippa Flesh
Contrast Asurmen Blue
This week the Gitmob charges out – a box set of brand new Gloomspite Gits models for Age of Sigmar who chase after the sun – sorry, the Glareface Frazzlegit – on Snarlfangs and wolf-drawn chariots.Â
There’s aslo an adorable new Warhammer Underworlds warband up for pre-order too, Borgit’s Beast-Grabas, who herd their barely-tame troggoth around by dressing uop as squigs.Â